STEP Private Client Awards
19 September 2024
Park Lane Hilton,22 Park Ln,
London, W1K 1BE
The Private Client Awards reward and promote the best practice in the industry.
The ceremony will be held on 19 September 2024, at the Park Lane Hilton in London, providing organisations ranging from private banks to international law firms with the chance to be acknowledged for their outstanding work.
What to expect:
- Enjoy excellent brand visibility throughout a nine‑month campaign.
- Establish your organisation as a market leader in the field.
- Align your organisation with a specific group of leading intermediaries.
- Associate your organisation with best practices.
- Entertain and network with clients in a celebratory setting among the most senior practitioners in the industry.
Sponsorship opportunities include category sponsorship and reception or networking functions
Category Sponsorship
"I have always been a big supporter of STEP. I think it's a great organisation, well run, with interesting events, areas of specialism. global presence etc.The STEP awards are part of this mix and is a good 'coming together' of many senior people in the industry."
- Nick Richards, London and Capital
There are multiple ways that your organisation can be involved in this industry celebration - contact Sylvana Malachias, International Account Director at or call on +44 (0)20 8267 4463 to discuss a sponsorship package to suit your needs